Autumn meeting on Koliba

Autumn meeting with Landseers ín Bratislava Koliba 23.11.2024 We took advantage of the beautiful autumn weather today for a walk around Koliba in Male Karpaty Mountains. It was a great opportunity to socialize our dogs. Everyone did great in a new place with new excitement. Photogallery
Trip to the castle Červený kameň 1.5.2024

The club does not forget to strengthen friendly relations between members and their family members. This time, exceptionally, we let our landseers relax at home and took advantage of the holiday’s sunny day for a family trip to Častá, where we took part in a bird of prey presentation from the Astur falconry at the […]
Spring photo shooting in Senec 22.4.2023

We used sunny Saturday for a club photoshooting to extend the club gallery of our beautiful landseers. It is the best time. The dogs are well-coated after the winter and the blossoming spring offers us an ideal natural view. Males, females, puppies and also a veteran met. We got unique pictures of everyone thanks to the […]
Seminar with the animal trainer F. Šusta

15.10.2022 Pezinok We started the club weekend on Saturday with the seminar with RNDr. František Šusta, PhD. The all-day program was a combination of a theoretical lecture and practical exercises, focused on work and communication with a dog. We gained a lot of valuable advice and experience. We could try practical tasks directly under professional […]
Autumn meeting on Koliba

Autumn meeting with Landseers Bratislava Koliba 7.11.2021 Today we used beautiful autumn sunny weather for walk with our Landseers. This time we walked around Koliba in Bratislava. For some of us it was a regular walk, for others exploring a new location. It was a great experience for everyone. Our dogs were also happy that they could play […]
Easter meeting of landseer

The first Easter meeting of Landseers took place in the beautiful surroundings of Mala Fatra. For the first time we met outside the show rings, just as friends on walks with our dogs. The weather was typically crazy April. The sun alternated with rain, sometimes hail. But we did not mind and the dogs enjoyed […]
Meeting in Neusiedler See

It pays to compete! The Landseer Club won the competition for the best photo. The prize was to take pictures and record taking photos. The question has been asked – where will we take photos of landseers? Of course by the water. So we went to the beach at Neusiedler See. Almost all our members […]
Balance training 2019

On Sunday after the show we learned new things – how to train the deep stabilization system of dogs. We listened to the theory but also trained new things. Thanks to Nina Koleničová from DogFit for lecture and illustration. PHOTOALBUM
Landseer in Haluzicka tiesnava

This time we chose not very known but beautiful tourist place Haluzicka tiesnava. Even a small child can walk through this forgotten beautiful place. We met as usual with Baxley, Cora and this time came young lady Oda. We are already looking forward to the winter meeting. Tips for a suitable winter meeting are welcome […]
Winter trip in Hrebienok

Free days of spring holiday were used for a short meeting of Landseer club members. Beautiful sunny weather welcomed us at the station in Stary Smokovec. We hitched Baxley into the sledge, put the children on the sled and walked down the sledge track to Hrebienok. We saw an exhibition of beautiful ice sculptures on […]