Club Show 27.04.2019

April 27th 2019 Pezinok
Judge: Satu Ylä – Mononen, FIN

The Club Show weekend is over. Congratulations to all participants, I enjoy perfect judgments and nice words of the judge about our dogs. I believe you all enjoyed nice weekend with us and your loevly dogs.

BOB CH. Froufrou z Letohradského ranče
BOS JCH. Abdul Tobi Miracle Star

Junior class

Exc1, CAJC, CW junior, BOJ, BOS – ABDUL Tobi Miracle Star

Intermediate class
Exc2, ResCAC FYNN von der Grossen Laaber
Exc3 – BAXLEY Carpathian Valley
Exc1, CAC – HARVEY z Letohradnskeho ranče

Open class
VG2 ALTAIR Wepwawet
Exc1, CAC ROY vom Libris Hort

Champion class
Exc1, CAC, CW – ARCTURUS Wepwawet
Exc2, Res.CAC – LITTLE HOPE des Pandas des Terres Rouges

Baby Class
VP1, Best Baby – FAIRY PRINZESS vom Ferbiggrund

Puppy class
VP1, Best Puppy – APPLE Nové Městečko

Junior class
Exc1, CAJC, CW junior – AFRA Tobi Miracle Star
Exc3 – BELLATRIX Wepwawet
Exc2  – ODILLE vom Köllerhof

Intermediate class
Exc1, CAC BRIXIE Carpathian Valley

VG2 – FERGIE von der Grossen Laaber

Open class
VG1 – ELZA Cortorea

Champion class
Exc2, Res.CAC – DAFRA z Laderova
Exc1, CAC, CW, BOB – FROU-FROU z Letohradského ranče

Honor class
Exc1 – CLAUDIA z Hory Blaník

Thank you to all who helped to very pleasant club atmosphere. I look forward to meeting you at the Club Show in the spring 2020!
